
All this time, we've been defining CSS variables for raw color tokens, and then set up scoped semantic tokens that reference those raw colors.
It makes sense, that's sort of how the Figma file was setup.
And you know what? We don't really want to actively expose those raw tokens, since we're trying to encourage developers to only use semantic tokens in the UI.

We can't stop them

Worth noting: you won't ever really going to be able to completely stop someone from using a raw token value.
Take a look at this:
<p class="text-[var(--background-color-highlight)]">I am highlight text</p>
That's more of an "escape hatch", and that's okay.
But let's not expose variables called --color-grey-30 in the root scope, which may make team contributors thing this is meant to be used as a primary styling approach.

No more opacity management gymnastics

We went back to normal hsl() color functions instead of those weird H S L strings — and it felt great.
But remember how we started the project? with HEX color values.
Don't get me wrong, hsl() is an awesome color format and feel free to keep using it.
But just for the record: in this workshop, we moved from HEX to hsl() to be able to have a solution for opacity (alpha-transparency) management.

Tailwind v4: color-mix() FTW

Internally, Tailwind uses color-mix() to compose transparency within colors. This means that you can set colors in HEX format (without alpha channels), and opacity will still work.
Try it! Do the following change:
- --color-teal: hsl(173 100% 50%);
+ --color-teal: #00ffe1;
If you then try to add 50% opacity to an element using this highlight color as a background, you'll see it works.
And here's the CSS output:
.bg-highlight\/50 {
	background-color: color-mix(
		in srgb,
		var(--background-color-highlight, var(--color-teal)) 50%,
color-mix() composing the color with 50% of transparent
What that means is ... we can go back to HEX for all our colors, if we want to!
(pretend we do, for this final exercise)

Your Job

1. Convert all hsl() colors to HEX colors in the CSS file.

Again, you can use a vscode extension or AI to complete this task. If all else fails, here are conversion tables, for you to enjoy:

Default colors

Variable nameHSL colorHEX color
--color-tealhsl(173 100% 50%)#00FFE1
--color-purplehsl(263 100% 50%)#6200FF
--color-grey-0hsl(0 0% 100%)#FFFFFF
--color-grey-5hsl(0 0% 92%)#EBEBEB
--color-grey-10hsl(0 0% 85%)#DADADA
--color-grey-20hsl(0 0% 76%)#C2C2C2
--color-grey-30hsl(0 0% 67%)#AAAAAA
--color-grey-40hsl(0 0% 57%)#919191
--color-grey-50hsl(0 0% 47%)#797979
--color-grey-60hsl(0 0% 38%)#616161
--color-grey-70hsl(0 0% 29%)#494949
--color-grey-80hsl(0 0% 19%)#313131
--color-grey-90hsl(0 0% 9%)#181818
--color-grey-100hsl(0 0% 0%)#000000

Themes / Dark mode variations

Dark mode (default)HSL colorHEX color
--color-tealhsl(173 100% 30%)#009987
--color-purplehsl(263 100% 70%)#A166FF
Citrus themeHSL colorHEX color
--color-tealhsl(60 100% 50%)#FFFF00
--color-purplehsl(30 100% 50%)#FF8000
Citrus theme + Dark modeHSL colorHEX color
--color-tealhsl(60 100% 30%)#999900
--color-purplehsl(30 100% 70%)#FFB366

2. Skip the semantic color => raw color mapping

Replace each instance of semantic tokens referencing a CSS "raw color" variable with a direct use of the HEX color.
Here's an example:
- --border-color-muted: var(--color-grey-80)
+ --border-color-muted: #C2C2C2;

3. Delete the 14 raw color variables

They're not being used for anything anymore, so go ahead and remove those from the :root scope.